Big surprise

Do you know what a surprise bachelorette party is? This is a party that someone will prepare for you. It can be anyone – but most often it`s your friends. The nicest part is when you don`t expect your friends to plan something like that for you, and it finally comes out and they suddenly say, „Surprise!“ And you can`t say a word in that fit of surprise, but you feel happy so much that it can`t even be described Just an idyll Do you enjoy a party with your friends And if you know what you can`t miss at such a good party, especially the food and drink you love It can be anything classic dishes such as chips, potato chips, sticks, fruits, vegetable salads, from drinking it can also be your favorite alcohol (for example egg liqueur, cognac, vodka, beer).. or it can be such classic drinks as Mojito, Pina Colada, Sex on The Beach or Cuba Libre… or different juices with different flavors, mineral water, etc.


I personally don`t drink alcohol and I would definitely not take it to my farewell, but it depends on everyone how they organize it It`s just a day we should never forget, because it closes a large chapter of our lives and, in essence, it can be said that it is starting a new one. So I recommend to use the farewell with the freedom to the maximum and as much as possible.


The farewell will also affect a lot where it will be arranged. Some may want to say goodbye to their bachelor at home and others may want to combine pleasant with useful and go on a „vacation“ as part of a bachelor party. Everyone has it differently, however, where you will say goodbye is up to you. You are the future bride and it is your day, so make a farewell so that you can enjoy it to the fullest and that it will be all right and you will remember her in a good way. I believe that everything will go good and it will be good experience.